Nicky Gregory
Introduce yourself
Hello! I'm Nicky Gregory. I am married with two children and own a fun small business that hires out bouncy castles and equipment for parties.
I am happiest when I am with my family, the sun is shining and there is chocolate in the fridge!

Describe your book Georgie Jones ... and you thought your family was weird!
Georgie is a twelve year old girl whose life is turned upside down when she finds herself propelled into the world of Molitovia. Along with her new friend, Dan, she discovers the most amazing and the most terrifying truths about why her appearance in Molitovia is no accident and why it may even be her destiny.
When did you first discover you wanted to be an author?
When I was at school, I loved to write. I entered lots of short story and poetry competitions and was lucky enough to win a fair few. I always thought I wanted to be a journalist but ended up being extremely happy to be at home looking after my children. I started to write things for them to read and the writing just grew from there.
What is your favourite part of the writing process?
I love it when you introduce a character and before very long at all, they become a real character in your head and you know everything about them - even the stuff that's not in the book - because they take on a life of their own. For example, I know that Georgie's favourite ice-cream would be mint choc chip and that she's always five minutes later home than she should be and that she really ought to take that overdue library book back!
Hand written or typed?
Both. I start by scribbling an outline plot and any ideas for characters and twists in a diary I have which I then add to as I go along but the actual story writing happens on my laptop.
What inspires you?
My children. They are so full of potential and have their whole lives to explore this wonderful world that we live in. I am also inspired by people who believe they can achieve exactly what they choose to. A positive mental attitude is a wonderful thing.
Tea or coffee?
Coffee every time. Plain, no nonsense black coffee.
What is your favourite song?
Indie Rock and Roll by The Killers. It reminds me of my youth and brings out the rebel in me!
Do you have a favourite book?
Yes. The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. I love the characters that dwell inside the tree, Silky and Moonface and the slippery slip slide that takes everyone from the top to the bottom. I love the idea of never knowing what land sits beyond the clouds above the topmost branches of the tree. I want to be a part of that world and to me that's the sign of a good book.
Is there a book you wish you had written?
Well, it would have been pretty awesome to have written The Complete Works of Shakespeare! I love Shakespeare. Once you understand the language, Shakespeare's writing comes alive with passion, treachery and plot twists galore.
What is your next book about?
My next book will see Georgie and Dan return to Molitovia where they will have to battle to save the integrity and the secrecy of the Molitovian way of life and Georgie will discover hidden abilities that will change the direction of her life forever.
What next for Nicky Gregory?
More of the same, please! I am so lucky that I have an audience that enjoy reading what I write. Every time I hear that someone has bought my book, read my book, placed it on their bookshelf, I get such a thrill. If I can keep doing this, I'll be a very happy woman!